About the College

At the Dwight Schar College of Education, we offer a number of programs to address your needs:

  • Undergraduate degrees
  • Teacher certification with a related degree
  • Certificate or graduate programs to expand your professional growth
  • Advanced preparation in leadership

We deliver many of our programs in Elyria and Columbus and we also offer online programming. Whatever your goals may be, know that our faculty and staff are committed to serving you.

Our Mission

We are committed to preparing individuals to make a profound difference in the lives of all children, their families and the communities in which they live. We recognize the vital ties between theory and practice that serve as the foundation for a lifelong career of service. We care deeply about our students, and we recognize the awesome responsibility we have to model the kind of reflective practice needed in today’s rapidly changing world. Further, we are committed to nurturing growth so our graduates develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to serve children, their families and their communities.

Dwight Schar College of Education

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  1. Apply theory and practice within a professional environment.
  2. Collaborate with stakeholders to impact the success of diverse individuals and organization.
  3. Demonstrate pedagogical and content knowledge when working within a diverse professional environment.
  4. Make data-driven decisions within a professional environment.
  5. Apply principles of integrity and ethical decision-making within a professional environment.
Student teacher reading to class

Experiential Learning

Our faculty and staff work diligently to ensure that our students experience the following:

  • A deep understanding of human development and how it relates to teaching, classroom management and communicating with families
  • A strong knowledge base related to all pertinent academic disciplines
  • High-quality field experiences through strong partnerships with schools and community agencies
  • A clear understanding of the performance standards expected of service professionals
  • A strong focus on diversity that includes frameworks and strategies for working in diverse communities
  • Extensive use of technology
  • Meaningful assessments that reflect authentic experiences clearly linked to professional standards
  • A pervasive culture of reflective practice where continuous improvement of programs and individual performance is modeled by all
College of Education sensory room

Cohort Opportunities

There are special benefits to studying in a cohort.

Featured Programs

  • Master’s in Educational Leadership with Administrative Licensure
  • M. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Talent Development Education
  • M. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction: Educational Technology
  • Computer/Technology Endorsement
  • Gifted Intervention Specialist Endorsement
  • TESOL Certificate
  • TESOL Endorsement Program

  • Flexibility - Your program of study can be customized to the needs of your cohort with a mix of in-person, online and hybrid instruction. Our faculty will work with you and your cohort colleagues to develop a class schedule that works for you.
  • Cost Savings - Cohort students enjoy a tuition discount, saving a significant amount over a full course of study!
  • Develop professional relationships - Your cohort colleagues form a powerful professional network as you move into the next stage of your career.

  • Plan for your district's future. Strategically grow your leadership pipeline by tapping promising teachers to step into new roles.
  • Stay close, go far - Instruction can take place at your district school sites, making higher education convenient and accessible.
  • Leverage the expertise you already have. District leadership can serve as adjunct instructors, ensuring the specific needs of your district are addressed as part of the course of study.

Contact Information

Stephen Denney, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Teacher Education
Associate Professor of Education
123 Dwight Schar College of Education
Jennifer Groman, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Doctoral Studies and Advanced Programs
Associate Professor of the Talent Development Program
146 Dwight Schar College of Education
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